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情報化学+教育トップ 情報化学 MAGICIAN MOOC プログラミング

A MAGICIAN is a person who can associate Materials Genome, Materials Informatics, Chemo-Informatics and Networks.
MAGICIANとは、材料ゲノム(Materials Genome)、材料情報学(Materials Informatics)、情報化学(Chemo-Informatics)とネットワーク(Networks)を結びつけて(Associate)いかれる人材です。

MAGICIAN Training Course > Lecture materials > Formulation top page 配合処方設計トップページ


MAGICIAN(MAterials Genome/Informatics and Chemo-Informatics Associate Network)Training Course

If you would like to take the MAGICIAN training course, please contact us.

The first hour of the ZOOM interview is free of charge. (Language: English or Japanese only)

At that time, you can bring examples that you want to analyze to deepen your understanding.

Materials Integration(MI):材料複合化

In order to combine materials into products, it is very important to formulate a composite of materials.

In this case, unlike Materials Informatics (MI), the creation of identifiers using RDKit and the results of molecular orbital calculations are of little use.

Therefore, it is important to have an efficient analysis tool.

MIRAI(Multiple Index Regression for AI)

Moreover, in such fields of research, there is rarely big data.
And it is often the case that the number of Descriptors is greater than the number of experimental data.
Nonlinear interactions, such as nonlinear changes in physical properties as the number of fillers is increased, or strong interactions between polymers and inorganic materials, can also be significant.

This means that the analysis tools required for Materials Integration (MI) and Materials Informatics (MI) are completely different.

つまり、Materials Integration(MI)とMaterials Informatics(MI)では必要な解析ツールが全く異なるということです。
You can't use Neural Network method!

At pirika.com, I have written articles on formulation design in the past.
Method for determining rubber compounding formula(written with Japanese)

・MAGICIAN No3b: ゴムの配合処方決定方法
・Blog: Analysis Tool MIRAI Eng/JP Hybrid page

GROVE Gene-based Regression Offering Valuable Equations.
And we have developed tools for analysis.
GROVE method(JP article)

Application: 適用
Group Contribution method(JP article)
Catechin purification(JP article)

This is a summary of Materials Integration (MI) using such tools.
そうしたツールを使って、Materials Integration(MI)についてまとめてみます。

MIRAI, tools for Formulation:処方設計用ツール

First Steps in Using MIRAI:MIRAIの使い方の初歩

MIRAI(Multiple Index Regression for AI) is an analysis tool that is used for cases with few data, many identifiers, and nonlinearities.
MIRAI(Multiple Index Regression for AI)はデータ数が少ない、識別子が多い、非線形性があるケースに使う解析ツールです。

A new analysis tool, MIRAI, was used to analyze the formulation design of a resist release agent. We also explained the differences between the multiple regression method and the principal component analysis method.

Tools for Western Researcher!
Tools for Japanese Researcher!

Paint formulation design:塗料処方設計

Second Step in Using MIRAI:MIRAIの使い方の実践

It's hard to say whether MI's recipe will work or not.
The design of paints is also very complicated because of the addition of polymers, pigments, solvents, and various additives.


Ink formulation design:インク処方設計

If you mix all the inks, you get black.
Inorganic materials, solvents, and polymers are common components of inks.

The formulation is then examined to achieve stability, environmental impact, and water resistance.

Cosmetic formulation design:化粧品処方設計

The purpose of makeup and painting is the same.

Protects the substrate from ultraviolet rays, oxygen, moisture, and microorganisms.

MIRAI for Cosmetic:化粧品設計

Body Painting

Rubber Design:ゴムの設計

You can't use Neural Network method!
As for the compounding design of fluoroelastomer packing, it is summarized in MAGICIAN No3b: How to determine the compounding formula of rubber, Japanese Page, but let's use a different tools to analyze it.

フッ素ゴム系のパッキンの配合設計に関してはMAGICIAN No3b: ゴムの配合処方決定方法にもまとめてありますが、違うツールを使って解析してみましょう。作成中

MAGICIAN Training Course > Lecture materials > Formulation top page

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